Privacy policy

OCEAN newsletter

Dear users, we would like to let you know how we deal with your personal data which you convey to us when using this service:

After you have subscribed to our newsletter, your email address will be used by Moving Adventures Medien GmbH to inform you about our film tours and events until you unsubscribe from the newsletter again. Unsubscription is possible at any time.

If you place an order or take part in sweepstakes, we have to collect and save personal or business commercial (email addresses, names, addresses) to make this possible. If there is a possibility of entering data within this web offering, the disclosure of such data on the part of the user takes place on an explicitly voluntary basis.

We then also use your data to send you further interesting offers. In any case, we process your data with great care and only use them to fulfill our contract. Your commercial information will only be used by us or our partners. We will not forward your data to non-Int.-OCEAN-FILM-TOUR partners, let alone sell your data to third parties.

Of course you can withdraw your consent regarding the usage of your data at any time.